Pedagogical Training

I have undergone pedagogical training in various courses. It follows a list of attended pedagogical courses and corresponding certificates.

Spring 2018 Fall 2016 Fall 2015 Spring 2015
Science Communication and Outreach
(1.33 weeks, 2 ECTS)
Ethics in engineering and science education
(2 weeks, 3 ECTS)
Supervising PhD Students
(3 week, 4.5 ECTS)
Active Forms of Teaching
(1 week, 1.5 ECTS)
Communication SupervisionPhD SupervisionPhD Undervisningsformer_smal2l
Spring 2015 Fall 2014 Fall 2014 Fall 2009
Examination, assessment,
evaluation and feedback
(1 week, 1.5 ECTS)
Active students in group work
(1 week, 1.5 ECTS)
Supervising Undergraduate Students (2 weeks, 3 ECTS) University Pedagogy
(2 weeks, 3 ECTS)
Examination,Assessment,Evaluation,Feedback ActiveStudents Supervising 2009-12 Course_certificate_Pedagogy_Page_2


  Language Skills
TISUS (Test in Swedish for University Studies)
equivalent of level C1: effective operational proficiency or advanced